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已有寫信去取消了 也有收到官方的回信 誰能幫我翻譯內容呢:Recently you requested personal assistance from our on-line support center. Below is a summary of your request and our response.If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 7 days.Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.To update your question from our support site, click the following link or paste it into your web browser.http://mlb.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/mlb.cfg/php/enduser/acct_login.php?p_userid=arles@ms1.url.com.tw&p_next_page=myq_upd.php&p_iid=9586&p_created=1205248719 Response (Jacqueline Watson) - 03/14/2008 02:30 PM Dear Fan:Thank you for your email. We apologize for the difficulty you experienced in reaching us. Upon looking in your account it appears that the issue you were contacting us about has already been resolved. Please call the toll-free customer service hotline at 1-866-800-1275 if you need any additional information or assistance. Thank you again for taking the time to write!Sincerely,Customer Response TeamMLB.com


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不久前, 你向我們的 線上支援中心 要求個人協助. 以下是你的需求和我們的回應 之 摘錄.如果這問題的解決沒法滿足你, 你可以在 7 天內 重開 "它" (T&H 備註: 這裡的 "它" 應該是指 你的 Request, 有建立一個戶頭在他們網站).感謝你讓我們為您服務 要從我們的支援網來更新你的問題, 單擊(Click) 下列的連結 或 把連結貼到你的瀏覽器http://mlb.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/mlb.cfg/php/enduser/acct_login.php?p_userid=arles @ ms1.url.com.tw & p_next_page = myq_upd.php & p_iid = 9586 & p_created = 1205248719 回應 (Jacqueline Watson) - 03/14/2008 02:30 PM 親愛的球迷:感謝你的來信. 對於連上我們時, 你所遭遇的困難, 對此我們表示歉意在您的帳戶看來, 顯示出 你所連絡我們之有關問題, 已經 獲得解決.如果你需要額外的資訊或協助, 請撥打免付費客戶服務熱線: 1-866-800-1275. 再次感謝你抽空寫這封信 真誠地, 顧客反應小組MLB.com 相關詞: Jacqueline Watson,customer service hotline,satisfaction,support,issue,官方






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